Petr Šimoník (CZE)

Expert in vehicle systems

„Nothing is impossible!“


Petr Šimoník is a pioneer in autonomous driving and electronic automotive technologies, having established the tech startup “autinno”, a spin-off company of VSB-TUO. After graduating from VSB – Technical University Ostrava, he dedicated his career to advancing research, development, and innovation within the automotive sector.



His role involves directing research projects and teams that are dedicated to crafting algorithms and technologies for autonomous driving and elements of digitalisation in industry and public environments. His current ambition is to develop a unique testing ground for autonomous, connected, and cooperative mobility within public settings. This Living Lab aims to not only generate data for emerging technologies but also to implement systems that decrease accidents between vehicles and pedestrians, enhance automated parking solutions, initiate pilot projects for autonomous vehicles, and observe how people interact with driverless cars. This setup will explore critical questions about the necessity and safety of such technologies in our lives.
Petr Šimoník is a strong proponent of merging scientific research with practical applications. He cooperates with automotive companies, universities, and research bodies globally. In his educational activities, he focuses on topics related to his research, engaging both scientists and students. He has consistently promoted student involvement in scientific and practical projects from the earliest days of their studies at the university.


Autonomní vozidlo – komfort a svoboda?!

UniverCity OSTRAVA!!!
19. 7. 2024 18:00 - 19:00


Autonomous vehicles glide through our streets so seamlessly that we often do not even realize their presence. They are capable of preventing accidents with pedestrians or other vehicles by instantly suppressing an inappropriate human request in ways that even professional race car drivers cannot match. However, this technology also introduces the potential for enforced driving limits through remote surveillance or other controlling bodies. These circumstances prompt crucial questions about our desire and need for this world of autonomous mobility. Is it safe to integrate artificial intelligence into millions of vehicles? Has Europe fallen behind in the modern automotive industry? Petr Šimoník, who develops cutting-edge automotive systems in collaboration with European car manufacturers and their suppliers, will explore these issues along with numerous not only technically interesting perspectives. His team’s contributions stand out in the Czech academic environment.