Adéla Chalupová (CZE)

Nuclear physicist


Adéla graduated in nuclear engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague. During her studies, she actively participated in research and development projects at UJP PRAHA, where she focused on experiments in the field of nuclear fuels to improve the safety of existing and future nuclear power plants.



Her enthusiasm for nuclear technology has led her to spread awareness of nuclear energy, both through traditional media and social media. She strives to inspire young people to take an interest in modern technology and scientific progress. She is currently training as a secondary circuit operator at the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, which is the next step in her professional career.


Nuclear Mixtape

The Big Bang stage Malý sál
17. 7. 2024 17:30 - 18:15


Learn why there are no American flags on the Moon anymore, why beer contains radiation-mutated barley, or how it is possible that nature operated a nuclear reactor long before humans did. Get your Geiger counters and dosimeters ready and come to the Big Bang Stage where we'll unpack the hottest hits of nuclear physics together!