Vladimír Špidla (CZE)

Politician, former Czech Prime Minister


Vladimír Špidla is a politician, former chairman of the Czech Social Democratic Party, and former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. Until last year, he was the director of the Masaryk Democratic Academy, with which he continues to be closely involved.


Vladimír studied history at Charles University. Before the Velvet Revolution, he went through a number of professions: monument preservation and nature protection worker, archaeologist, sawmill worker, and warehouse worker. In the 1970s and 80s, he was active in the Czech Union of Nature Protectors. After the revolution, he worked as a regional Labor Office director.
Between 1998–2002, Vladimír was the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, then he became the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2002–2004). From 2004 to 2010, he was the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. In the years 2014–2017, he was the director of the Department of Advisors to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Bohuslav Sobotka. In 2016, he was bestowed with the Legion of Honor for his role in furthering Czech-French relations and for his long support of European integration.