Meky Žbirka is back. Thanks, AI!

Europe stage
17. 7. 2024 15:45 - 16:45


A coincidence brought a group of people together in 2023 with a common interest: to revive the Czechoslovak music star Meky Zbirka (1952-2021) and bring his brand new album to the world. What was at the very beginning, what were the first steps, how did AI help and what is the final result? An interview about AI in the service of music, combined with the premiere of the new single with the participation of Meky's wife Katka and son David.


Kateřina Žbirková (CZE)

Music Producer and Manager

David Žbirka (CZE/SVK)

Musician and producer

Aditya Bansal (IND/GBR)

Innovator and businessman