Alliyana Movement

Cacao stage
21. 7. 2023 13:30 - 14:45


Dance Workshop
‘Alliyana’, derived from the Quechua language of South America, means to heal, cure or recover. Alliyana Movement, founded by Daniel Sonic Rojas, is a unique art form that presents simple, yet powerful forms of movement to evolve and heal our connection to our body and spirit. This integrative and holistic practice helps to move energy along meridian channels, clear toxins and stagnant energy, prevent and rehabilitate injuries, and to bring creativity and inspiration to one’s movement practice through dynamic, embodied, healing & mindful movement.

In this introductory workshop, discover the pillars of Alliyana Movement, with founder Daniel Sonic Rojas. Expect to realign, purge, invigorate and connect through movement, breath and sound practices. No movement experience is necessary as this modality meets you exactly where you are.


Daniel *Sonic* Rojas (COL)

Professional Dancer & Movement Master