Irena Korbelářová (CZE)

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University


In 1993, her main place of work became the newly founded Silesian University, and in March 2019, she became the head of its Faculty of Arts and Sciences.



Since 2015, Irena has been the head of the Research Centre for the Cultural History of Silesia and Central Europe. She is a member of many scientific committees and editorial boards in the Czech Republic and abroad. For three decades, she has been imparting knowledge in the fields of history and auxiliary historical sciences to students, and demonstrates her passion for historical work through her approach to teaching.


Vítkovice 1893: přijďte je ochutnat a zažít!

SUper stage Slezské univerzity
18. 7. 2024 13:00 - 13:45