Experience the speakers of the discussion forum meltingpot through their personal audio-visual messages. The project voices of meltingpot crosses the boundaries of time, location, and themes.
Meltingpot Forum is part of the largest Czech multi-genre music festival Colours of Ostrava, which is attended by up to 50,000 spectators every year.
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"Democracy is like a body. It must be trained, it must be nourished, you must dedicate yourself to it, otherwise it will deteriorate."
Tuvia Tenenbom, writer and journalist
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"Sleep is not a credit card. You can't accumulate a debt of sleep and decide to pay it off one day. You'll never fully repay it, and the longer you carry that debt, the interest grows exponentially."
Matthew Walker, leading expert on sleep and author
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"A winner, to me, is a person who makes a contract with themselves and fulfills it."
Marián Jelínek, hockey trainer, coach, educator
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"The biggest problem in the Czech Republic is a shortage of qualified workforce. For our country to succeed, we need to open the market to hardworking and talented foreigners and actively bring them here."
Petr Fiala, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"When we don't know how to breathe correctly, we can look at babies or: they are not influenced by theories of breathing, so they do it naturally, that is, correctly."
Patrick McKeown, breathing expert and author
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"We should stop contributing to the growth of our body and, on the contrary, invest in the growth of the spirit. It's the same with Europe. We should nurture the spirit: education, culture, and understanding. True value lies in the spirit."
Tomáš Sedláček, economist, philosopher and author
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"Invest in your health while you still have it."
Jiří Dvořák, professor of neurology, campaigner of brain health and healthy lifestyle
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"If you are interested in architecture, you enjoy life in a city more. Every walk becomes an experience."
Vladimír 518, producer, rapper, illustrator, set designer
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"If we run away from the things that hold us back on the path to happiness, they will always catch up with us. We must confront them, touch them, understand them, and ultimately overcome them."
John Perkins, economist, author, international speaker and activist
Said at Meltingpot 2024
"We have only one planet, and for some time now, we have been conducting a truly dangerous experiment on it."
Mark Maslin, professor of earth system science
The MELTINGPOT 2025 project is co-financed from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region.